Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Martin Luther: Myth, Legend, Man

Controversial topics cannot help but draw many diverse opinions...some more bizarre and uneducated than others. Martin Luther's views that spurred the Protestant Reformation most definitely falls into this category.

Growing up a "cradle Catholic," I thought that Martin Luther was a "bad guy" who split apart the Church just because he was a trouble-maker. I can't remember if I was actually taught that way, or if, in my 10 year old mind, not doing what you're told, going against the rule of the Church, and causing political/religious upheaval automatically made you bad. Even in high school, when I realized that Luther was calling for reform in a Church that very much needed it, I was still thinking like Luther did when he first started speaking out: the Pope, surely, could not have known what was going on; it is his clerics and church officials that were corrupt. Now I really know just how awful the Church was back then.

Protestants, on the other hand, have probably grown up with just the opposite view. One of my friends, Andrew, was just telling me how Luther was seen as a beacon of light and hope, a man who had the courage to speak the Truth and fight for justice when all those around him were corrupt.

I found this guy on YouTube...he definitely represents a radical view of Luther...can you guess which extreme he is?

Martin Luther: Epitome of Evil

- I am interested that he suggests the Luther was driven by fear, which we have mentioned in class

- Other than that, he's got some facts seriously messed up

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