Thursday, August 13, 2009

I have been meaning to update my blog all summer. As there is a little over a week left before the Fall 2009 semester is officially underway, I began to seriously think about what I'd write.

And then I got to thinking...

Is it presumptuous to assume that people will be interested to hear about my summer activities?

Is it a bit arrogant to think that someone would be excited to hear my most random thoughts, my rather mundane stresses and fears?

But then, I thought...

Well, would it be rude of me to deny my friends, who I saw every day this past year, the very basic privilege of keeping them updated on my life?

Is it awful for me to question the genuine friendship and compassion of those who I struggled through the hardships and challenges of that first year in HUST with?

It's like being caught between a rock and a hard place -
Risk being rude or being arrogant.

Or just overthink everything and drive yourself crazy.


How excited are you guys for this semester?! There's only more where that came from.... :)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for blogging! I doubt you could be arrogant and I like the new colours.
